The last verse of today’s first reading really spoke to me. It reads, “Then you shall call, and the Lord will answer, you shall cry for help, and he will say: Here I am!” (Isaiah 58:9). There have been times in my life when I have cried to God for help, and He answered in the way I was hoping. There have been times when I cried for help, and God answered much later, in His divine timing. There have been occasions when the Lord answered my cries and prayers, but I did not recognize it. I believe today’s reading is inviting me to turn to the Lord first and foremost, during good and the not-so-good moments. He is there through it all. He never tires of hearing from us and answering us. I am someone who tends to turns to close friends first when I am in need of help. Although I appreciate my support system, this Lenten season, I hope to fully open myself to the Lord first, talk to Him about the things I carry in my heart and mind, receive the peace that can only come from our Savior, and never tire of recognizing this gift.
