“One does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes forth from the mouth of God.”

This reminds me of the health of the mind, body, and soul. It is often said that keeping the body in good shape will alleviate the mind as well, and in a similar manner, the soul must be fed with the word of God as the body is fed with bread and the mind with knowledge. Oftentimes, I neglect one or the other, and fail to realize that it is important to keep all three healthy. Additionally, in working on all three of them, the improvement of one rubs off on the other two and thus a person grows greatly when keeping up in this manner of health.

The word of God is uber important because it tells us how to live and why to live. What is the purpose of having great strength if it is not put to good use, and likewise all the knowledge in the world, if it is simply kept to oneself. Using these gifts from God is the purpose of their existence, and we know how to use them from the word of God. My question is: how are you using your gifts from God?
