“But I say to you, love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you.” (Matthew 5:44)

In today’s Gospel reading, Jesus calls for us to love everyone, regardless of who they are. Reflecting on my life, it is easy for me to befriend those with agreeable personalities and common interests. It is human nature for us to put a guard up in order to protect our hearts and only extend grace to those we deem fit. However, our Heavenly Father shows us unconditional love and reminds us of this in this Gospel reading. This reading reminded me that everyone is created in the image of God so we should treat them with utmost kindness and respect. Thus, I thank God for the blessing of supportive friends and ask Him to open my heart to those I closed myself off from. 

At the end of this reading, Jesus tells us: “So be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect.” (Matthew 5:48). Surely, this is highly intimidating as perfection seems unattainable. As Catholics, we often have high standards for ourselves and may compare our faith to those around us, feeling inadequate when we stray from what we deem right. However, Jesus calls for us to emulate His behavior by extending love to others and being Christ-like in our daily actions.

— Rachel V.