“And the Lord said to Abram: Go forth out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and out of thy father’s house, and come into the land which I shall show thee” – Genesis 12:1

Our Father calls us out into the unknown, asking us to let go of our comfortable lives and securities to follow Him. During this time of reflection and reconciliation, I feel God’s ever so gentle nudge to let go: to let go of all the anxieties I have of the future, all my regrets of the past, and even my stress to control my present. Here lies one of my greatest challenges. Control. So often I refuse to rely on anyone other than myself. Why trouble someone else when I can just work a little bit harder and succeed by my own efforts? I constantly seek control over everything in my life so that there are no uncertainties that can surprise me. However, this Lent I hear God calling me to lean on Him, to trust in Him, and let go of my worries. I see I must follow Abraham and trust that God will guide me to a land which he will show to me, because no matter how much control I think I have, my life is ultimately in His hands.

Father, provider of my life, I ask that You spare me from the suffocating depths of anxiety. Help me to trust in You with total reliance as a newborn relies on its mother. You are the source of my life and I desire to be led by You. Amen.

— Anonymous