“I tell you, the latter went home justified, not the former; for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and the one who humbles himself will be exalted.” Lk 18:9-14
Every time I hear today’s Gospel, I keep reminding myself how important humility is when it comes to improving our relationship with ourselves, those around us, and more importantly, with God. God endlessly calls and reminds us to be humble and understanding to one another in the way we act, speak and carry ourselves in our life. Personally, humility propels us to grow with compassion and love while nourishing our mission as sons and daughters of Christ with service, faith, and friendship, three major pillars that humility is rooted in. Unfortunately, the fallacious and deceiving world we live in today has molded people’s perspective on humility with a narcissistic, materialistic, and individualistic world that prevents us from attaching to the humble nature of love. However, changing is not that difficult with prayers and attachment to God. Personally, humility has allowed me to seek and understand people’s needs and use my God-given talents with intention to help and serve my community. I know God loves us and He died in the most humble way possible to forgive our wrongdoings and sins and that is something that we, as church, need to endlessly pursue to nourish and mirror God’s humility.
— Bryan Lopez Villeda