“My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me; yet, not as I will, but as you will.” – Matthew 26:39
After receiving communion, I pray to God to fill me with His spirit so that I may align my will to His and not the other way around so that I may walk a more Christ-like life. This is to remind myself that, although there is so much in this world I wish to achieve, receive, or accomplish, those desires may not necessarily be what He has in store for me. This passage is what really drove home that my wants aren’t always what God intends for me. Even Jesus felt sorrow and distress when He knew he was to die a painful death and prayed to the Father to take away that burden, yet He still responded and accepted what God’s plan was for Him.
I may never have to deal with something as daunting as facing impending death, yet I still fall short in hearing God speak to me and listening to His will. I hope that by praying for His spirit that I empty myself of my ego and stubbornness and be filled with God’s love so that I can love God and love others more fully and to forgive even when it’s hard to do so. We could all use more of God’s grace to forgive others and ourselves. If I can receive God’s grace and be loved and forgiven, then I can certainly do my best to extend that for others like Jesus did.
“Our repentance leads to God filling us with more of Himself. Fast with the intention of receiving and not just giving.”
– Earl Lozada