“And I am made glorious in the sight of the LORD, and my God is now my strength!” -Is 49:1-6
As I journey through college, I have been struggling with my sense of identity. I recently battled the idea of switching majors. To some, it may not have been as huge of a deal, but to me I noticed that I placed my identity in my major, in my achievements and my intelligence. So, when I started failing, struggling and desiring a change, I felt lost and I did not know who I was anymore. I questioned what God’s purpose for me was and I started to feel useless.
However, in this passage I am reminded that my identity is in God. He “formed me as his servant from the womb”. God created us in his image and we are reminded that God has meticulously given us life for a reason. We may not have all of the answers yet, but by leaning on God our Father, we can be restored and given all of the strength to preserve. And if we stumble over and over again through life, know that God doesn’t define our worth through our successes, our jobs or anything else. But rather we are worthy simply through being a child of God. So even if we make a lifetime of mistakes, know that we are making an impact on this world, even in the littlest ways as we shine God’s light and love in this world.
My Lord, please help those who struggle with their identity and worth to feel your presence in every moment of every day. Please wrap your arms around them and overwhelm them with your love as they are your child and deserve peace and health. Amen.
– Rebecca Esquivel