“If I, therefore, the master and teacher, have washed your feet, you ought to wash one another’s feet” (Jn 13:14).
One of the most important and influential parts of Holy Thursday Mass is the washing of the feet. To many, this may seem like something rather weird, especially myself last year attending my first Holy Thursday service at Newman. However, I find that it serves as something much more meaningful than just washing the feet of others.
Jesus, though He is a master and teacher of His disciples, washes the feet of the ones he teaches, doing the work of a servant. Through this action, He reminds us of 2 things. One, no matter what rank we may be or what position we have over others, we must remain humble and serve others. Two, as Jesus has washed the feet and therefore cleansed our sins, forgiving us, so must we forgive others. We are, therefore, called to live lives of humility, love, and service.
As we enter into the Easter season, let’s remind ourselves of our spiritual journey throughout Lent. Let’s remind ourselves that we are called to serve and love one another, and remain humble just as Jesus is.
– Waverley Achacoso