“On the first day of the week, Mary of Magdala came to the tomb early in the morning, while it was still dark, and saw the stone removed from the tomb” – John 20:1
Jesus has risen! For the last two months we have fasted, prayed, and repented in preparation for this joyful day when Christ conquers death. Many of us worked to break old habits while simultaneously forming better, new habits that aid us in living out our faith deliberately. All of these preparations lead up to today when Christ walks alongside us again. In my earlier years Easter was a celebration with my family that included a variety of multi-colored candies. My parents made it a point to celebrate the joy of Jesus’ resurrection because after all, life with Jesus is worth celebrating. Admittedly, for the majority of my childhood, the colorful sweets were more attractive than the resurrection of some guy who died two-thousand years before I was even born. Although little Ryan may have only associated Easter with M&Ms and Robin Eggs, slightly older Ryan now feels the depth of Jesus’ personal love and appreciates the hope Easter brings. Jesus walks with me, the Ryan I am today. His infinite and personal love has invited me back to Him again as I hear him cheering for me to continue to follow Him. One image I recall, especially during Lent and Easter, is of Jesus scaling a nearly vertical cliff, one arm grasping the side of the cliff and the other arm stretched out to me as I cling desperately to the small grooves on the wall. My fingers numb from a grueling climb; my knees shaking with anxiety; Yet Jesus wears a calm but sincere smile and says He is here for me. “I am here. Do not be afraid,” He says to me. Today, more than any other day, Jesus is here with me. He has risen to help and encourage me to keep climbing. I have sinned and I have repented; Now I push forward with Jesus by my side.
Jesus, my savior, thank you for your invitation and encouragement. Please continue to help me see your personal love and never permit me to forget your love for me. You died for everyone’s sins, but I know deep in my heart that You died for me specifically. I live a new life rejuvenated by your forgiveness and I desire to fall deeper into your mysteries. May your love pour out to me and from me to your people. Amen.
–Ryan Nakanishi