Lenten Season: Guide to Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving.
During the season of Lent, the Church asks each of us to put in extra effort to pray, fast, and do almsgiving. In a similar way that many of us took tags to donate items for the Advent giving tree, we encourage everyone to take a tag from our Lenten Promise Cross. On each tag will be an idea for things to pray about, ways to fast, and ways to give during Lent. Please consider taking a tag to help make our community more loving and generous as we walk with Jesus these 40 days.
You can find the same content from the Lenten Promise Cross on this website by clicking on Pray, Fast, or Give links below.
Learn more about The Corporal Works of Mercy during Lent and put them into practice.
Engage in praying with the Newman Center through a variety of resources and programs–from adding a few minutes of prayer to your day to participating in a Lenten Retreat based on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola.
Fasting isn’t always about food. There are many things in our lives that draw us away from God’s love. By fasting, we can grow in gratitude for what we have and be more aware of how it impacts our lives. Please consider fasting one day a week. If it brings you peace and joy, consider fasting for more than one day.
The Church calls us to give our time, talent, and treasure. Please consider volunteering for one of these local charities. You may also consider donating goods or giving a financial contribution.